Friday, August 1, 2014

Swollen Eyes and Red Lips

Through tears.
This post is made possible through tears.

We all go on small journeys throughout our lives and don't even notice the majority of them; not until it's time to say goodbye. Suddenly we're looking back and replaying memories and attempting to taste, smell and touch things and people who are no longer there. Personally, going from running a four person household to being a single entity for a month was a very obvious journey. Today, ironically a day of finalization (which is also the middle of the week...there's so much irony in my life), has me looking back on my journey. When I woke today, I had no idea there would be so much significance in the day or in the finality that it would bring. I find myself looking for closure in areas I know I may never receive answers in. I've cried, but not that snot nosed cry. Not yet. I have to wait because I know that once I start I won't be able to stop for a full day...and well, I'm a mom and we moms have to keep it together around our kids.

So tonight, all week really, I've been exhausted emotionally and physically. I have been drained and gone through so many multiple emotions (sometimes two within an hour). As I attempted to rest my mind early tonight, I was awoken by a nightmare. Not the kind that you see in movies, but your true real life nightmare. It woke me out of my sleep and I immediately found myself reaching out for a person in order to have peace from the turmoil this dream brought me. Literally, TWENTY-SEVEN unanswered phone calls and FIFTEEN text messages later (to one person) I began to realize I was doing it again. I was laying my joy and peace in the hands of another person. With each painful voicemail pick up my heart ripped. All those stitches I had been sewing in for the past few months began to rip. My heart panicked because she didn't know how to beat when I was cutting her open. I couldn't stop myself. I was so hopeful that the person I was calling would hear the desperation in my voice, that they would know my heart and would know I needed them. I cried out again. My cries quite literally went unanswered.

I was crazed, panicked, anxious, and in pain. Real pain. My chest caved into my ribs and I couldn't breathe. I was willing to take back everything and go back to monotony. I would shell up, stop writing, stop creating, anything to get rid of this feeling of death. I could feel my blood start to warm up in my arms. I laid in the dark with my eyes squeezed shut and began to whisper to God. I didn't ask why. I didn't ask for Him to do anything for me, I'm not quite sure what I whispered, but I whispered and whatever it was He heard it. Because I am His child and He created my heart, He knows that what calms me most is music. With my eyes still closed He created a song in me. It was one of those songs that you feel like you've known your whole life, but as soon as I opened my eyes, it was gone. The only thing I can remember is the word "Smile" being written over and over again. So many things began to manifest inside me, but all I wanted to do was dwell in the peace that He was giving me. Instead He kept my mind awake and now here I am writing this.

I share all of this because, as I said before, this is therapy for me but it's also my testimony. I feel there is no other true emotion than the kind you feel instinctively. My gift is creation/writing. I know that someone out there is awake right now, struggling trying to find peace as well. Tonight I rolled around in my flesh and pain and permitted myself to be human. Tonight God reminded me that He will give us what our heart desires. Sometimes it hurts and we're not prepared for that, or we feel we are and it turns out we're weaker than we thought. I was weak tonight. Probably the weakest I've ever been. I found no solace in people and when I tried to reach out the one person who was able to provide comfort for me before, I was abandoned. I needed that.

I needed to be reminded that people will abandon you even the ones who say they never will. We are an unreliable flesh and there is no louder rejection than being outwardly ignored during your lowest and most painful moments. I was allowed to feel and see this because God needed my attention. He needed me to see that HE is my father, HE is my husband, HE is my lover, He is my friend. There will never be anyone who can provide the love and comfort of my God. My relationship with Him was tainted because I've been angry at Him and didn't even know it. I focused so much on what PEOPLE were doing TO me that I had lost sight on what GOD has done FOR me.

I needed peace, but what I wasn't aware of was that I had lost it because I had given PIECES of myself away to someone who couldn't do for me what ONLY God can do. Tonight I take back my peace and pieces.   

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