We went and had our first family pictures taken Thursday. They were taken by Nicole Gravatt. She owns her own couture photography business. These are just our first samples and we should see the finished products in a couple weeks.
Maliya was a handful trying to get her to stop fussing long enough to get the photos taken. There was a lot of rocking, feeding, singing, and multi-tasking. Big Matt had no idea what was going on so he played on his iPhone during the individual baby pictures. We got some shots though, it was all about the timing.
The boys were both cranky because we went and had them taken right in the middle of nap and lunch time. Big Matt and Little Matt are the same when it comes to sleep and food. If they haven't had the right amount of sleep and you haven't fed them, they won't do anything you want them to do. So needless to say, it was a bit of a hassle and right when I was doing some major bribing with a Popeye's lunch....we were finished.
If these are just a few that she put together in a matter of twenty minutes I can't wait to see the finished product after two weeks!
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